Khaled Diab
Researcher, HP Labs

My research interests broadly span networking, systems, and their intersection. My main research objective is to make networked systems run more efficiently! Therefore, my work often addresses a variety of challenges at application and network levels. I have been recently working in various areas such as Multicast Systems, Datacenter Networking, Multimedia Systems, and Cloud Gaming. I previously worked in other areas such as 3D video streaming and GPU virtualization.
I received my PhD from the School of Computing Science at SFU. Before starting my PhD, I worked as a Research Assistant at Qatar Computing Research Institute in the Distributed Systems group. I also worked as a Software Development Engineer at Mentor Graphics (later acquired by Siemens). I got my BSc degree in Computer Engineering from Cairo University, where my graduation thesis was about designing an efficient GPU-accelerated data mining system.
News (All)
Mar 8, 2022 | I was awarded as a Distinguished Member of the 2022 IEEE INFOCOM TPC! [pdf] |
Dec 10, 2021 | Yeti and Orca are accepted at NSDI’22! |
Oct 26, 2021 | has defended his MSc thesis. Congratulations! |
Jul 4, 2021 | DeepGame is accepted at ACM Multimedia’21 |
Apr 27, 2021 | I was invited to serve as a TPC member at IEEE INFOCOM’22 |
Research Highlights (Details)

Multicast Forwarding and Routing
My research addresses the scalability and efficiency challenges in multicast systems to (i) support various routing requirements of ISPs such as traffic engineering and service chaining, and (ii) forward packets of large numbers of concurrent multicast sessions. My main contribution is designing systems and algorithms to reduce or even eliminate the required state to be maintained at network switches.

Data Center Networking
The current focus of my research is to design various networking primitives to efficiently manage the network resources. My work also focuses on the multi-tenancy aspects of cloud datacenters.

Multimedia Systems
My recent work focused on two aspects of multimedia systems (i) the adaptive streaming of multiview videos, and (ii) the traffic engineering and content placement of multimedia content

Cloud Gaming
This research focuses on reduce the bandwidth usage of cloud gaming while achieving a high perceived quality. We collaborate with researchers from AMD and University of Ottawa in designing our systems.
Selected Publications (All)
- ConferenceYeti: Stateless and Generalized Multicast ForwardingIn Proc. of USENIX NSDI 2022Soon!
- ConferenceOrca: Server-assisted Multicast for Datacenter NetworksIn Proc. of USENIX NSDI 2022Soon!
- Conference
- ConferenceJoint Content Distribution and Traffic Engineering of Adaptive Videos in Telco-CDNsIn Proc. of IEEE INFOCOM 2019
- Spring '22: Systems and Network Security
- Spring '21: Systems and Network Security
- Fall '20: Computer Networking II
- Spring '20: Systems and Network Security
- Fall '19: Multimedia Systems
Program Committee
External Reviewer
- 2021: ACM Multimedia
- 2020: ACM Multimedia
- 2019: ACM Multimedia, ACM Multimedia Systems, ACM Multimedia Asia
- 2017: ACM Multimedia, ACM NOSSDAV
- 2015: ACM Multimedia, ACM Multimedia Systems